These days, you kinda see them everywhere...creepers. They were once made by Egyptian shoemakers for military assignments, later, in the 50s and 60s, the Teds made them popular and today, well, also Teds and Psychobillys wear them. But then, a random "normal" (what I mean is, no Psychobilly or Ted) fashionable girl or boy made the decision to wear it.
And the next one, and the next one, and the next one, and ... I love it!
Worn with anything ripped, I can tell you, it'll work.

Ah, ripped tights, my favorite ;)

These two photos of Lua P. from are also great to show that tights do always work.

Viper London is probably the only place where you can buy creepers for sure. Otherwise, you have to search ... or ebay.
And the next one, and the next one, and the next one, and ... I love it!
Worn with anything ripped, I can tell you, it'll work.
Ah, ripped tights, my favorite ;)
These two photos of Lua P. from are also great to show that tights do always work.
Viper London is probably the only place where you can buy creepers for sure. Otherwise, you have to search ... or ebay.